Load WordPress on /blog, Regardless of Your Site Builder

Gain the benefits of WordPress for blogging and improvements in SEO, while keeping your primary website on your favorite platform. Works with the help of Cloudflare DNS.

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Works with any and all site builders, including:


Watch the demo to see how we added a WordPress blog to a Prestashop Hosted store

The video is real-time and it's only 2 minutes and 30 seconds long!

You Can Have Your Blog up and Running in Just a Few Clicks From Now

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Use WordPress for Your Blog and Gain the Benefits of Improved SEO and Lower Hosting Cost

WordPress is by far the most popular blogging platform and no site or store builder comes close to the versatility it offers.

Two key benefits with using WordPress for your blog:

Improved SEO compared to platform blog systems: WordPress excels at SEO and has more features than site builders' blogs.
WordPress you know and love: everyone knows how to use WordPress and for good reason - it's extremely easy to use and flexible.

And if you already use WordPress, it's just a matter of a quick transfer.

Everything You Expect From WordPress Managed Hosting

Your blog is hosted at PressProxy, where we have over 10 years of experience in hosting tens of thousands of WordPress installations. Our managed WordPress hosting has everything you've come to expect:

Out-Of-Box Caching:
Server-side caching and pre-configured cache plugin for fast page load.
Automatic WordPress Updates:
Secures your blog by applying the latest updates automatically.
Free CDN with your Cloudflare account.
Free SSL:
Automatic SSL certificate for secure (HTTPS) connection.
Daily Backups:
Daily backups for a peace of mind.
Firewall Protection:
Helps defend your blog from attacks.
Automated Malware Scans & Removal:
Regular scans of your blog for malware and free removal.

And if you already use WordPress, it's just a matter of a quick transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Click the beacon in the bottom right or use the contact form.

Which site builder platforms are supported?

PressProxy works with any site builder platform, as long as you're using Cloudflare DNS (or are willing to move). You need to provide the Cloudflare API key for us to manage the domain.

Will my blog look the same as my website?

It can, with some minor theme customization to copy the CSS. We offer a basic design service which will take your site's design and transfer it to a blog on a standard blog structure (content area and sidebar).

You can also have a completely different design if you'd like, it's up to you. The blog is completely standalone and can be managed as any other WordPress site.

Will SEO work correctly on the blog?

Yes. You log into and manage the blog from a subdomain but the posts load only on the subdirectory. A blog sitemap is built automatically that can be submitted to the Search Console. All URLs are correctly rewritten.

I already have WordPress on a subdomain. Can I move it to PressProxy?

Yes. You will need to do a backup on your existing host and then restore the blog on our hosting.

Add a WordPress Blog to Your Website and Start Blogging in Just a Few Minutes From Now

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