How to Add a WordPress Blog to a ClickFunnels Site




WordPress blog on ClickFunnels site

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to add a WordPress blog to your ClickFunnels site. The blog will be entirely separate from ClickFunnels and will load on a subfolder, also called a subdirectory (, for the best SEO results.

Let’s get started!


  • A live ClickFunnels site on your custom domain.
  • Free DNS hosting on Cloudflare (it takes only a few minutes to move from your existing one).
  • WordPress hosting on PressProxy (no credit card required for the 7-day free trial).

Time required: 5-10min, depending on your experience level.

Why Cloudflare?

Cloudflare‘s primary business is cybersecurity for small and large companies. It also has great DNS hosting with some special features that PressProxy requires to work. It’s completely free to use for what we need. If you haven’t heard about them before, you can read more on Wikipedia.

How to add a WordPress blog to a ClickFunnels subfolder (

If you prefer watching over reading, here’s a really short video (only 2min 2sec) that shows how easy the setup is when Cloudflare is already hosting your DNS.

Host your DNS with Cloudflare and set up redirects

Create a free account to host your DNS with Cloudflare. When you’re inside, click Add Site and choose the free plan (at the bottom).

In most cases, Cloudflare will find all your DNS records, but make sure to review them (sometimes it creates duplicates). Check that the www records are proxied (orange cloud enabled). You will be given new nameservers for your domain, similar to or

Go to your domain registrar, change the nameservers to custom, and enter your new Cloudflare nameservers. Instructions on how to do this can be easily found by Googling “registrar + change nameservers”, like “Namecheap change nameservers“. Once you’ve changed the nameservers, it takes a few minutes to a few hours to propagate (update) worldwide.

For the redirects from root to www to work, add an A record for root that goes to any IP (like and enable the orange cloud.

Once that is done, find the Rules menu in the sidebar and click Redirect rules and add a new one:

  • Name: Redirect from Root to WWW
  • If
    • Custom filter expression
    • Field: URI full
    • Operator: wildcard
    • Value:*
  • Then
    • Type: Static
    • URL:
    • Status code: 301
    • Preserve query string: yes

It should look like this:

Watch the video for the full process:

Add a new blog proxy on PressProxy (no credit card needed)

Now that your DNS is at Cloudflare, we can continue and create a blog on PressProxy.

Sign up for a free trial, where only an email is required. You’ll be logged into the dashboard immediately. Inside, there is a dynamic step-by-step process you can follow. If you’re curious about how it looks, read on.

In the dashboard you’re presented with a simple field where you add the blog URL ( The other option is blog setup where you can choose if you want some basic WordPress configurations or if you want a blank blog (choose the latter if you’re transferring an existing blog later).

Add a new Blog Proxy

You’ll now follow a link to create and add a Cloudflare API token. Permissions will be pre-filled, but you need to select your account and domain under zone resource.

Give our system a few seconds to verify everything, and then…

Your blog is live!

That’s it! It took only a few minutes to set up, but your new blog now loads on /blog on your store.

WordPress on ClickFunnels

In the PressProxy dashboard, you can use a button to log into the blog with one click without using a username or password (but which are also available in the dashboard).

Transfer blog and add redirects from the old blog to the new one

If you already had a WordPress blog on a subdomain and now want to move it to your new address, then the last thing you need to do is migrate it. We recommend installing the Backup Migration plugin to backup and restore the blog. It’s a very straightforward process.

If you had posted on that blog, you’ll want to ensure they redirect to the new URL. You can read the step-by-step guide for this in our previous blog post.